Personal Loans | Get your ideal finance sorted today with M4U

Why get a personal loan?

Personal loans are just that, personal. Everyone has their own circumstances and a different purpose for a personal loan. We’ve see everything from weddings, holidays, school fees and even furnishings for a house! Whatever your reason, we can help you. With access to a range of diverse lenders, we have options to research so we can find you your ideal financial solution, whether it be secured or unsecured. We help you from start to finish with the assessment, research, application paperwork and by talking with the lender on your behalf.

Do you have less than perfect credit?

As long as you meet our basic criteria and we are happy that the loan is suitable and affordable for you, then we will work with you to get your personal or secured loan approved as soon as possible.

Basic criteria includes – must be working full time, part time, casual or as an Independent contractor or Self Employed.

We will consider you loan application, even if :

  • You are receiving disability or parenting pension payment
  • You have been refused credit elsewhere
  • You have retired and are on pension
  • You don’t have a good credit history
  • You are receiving Centrelink income

Get in touch with us today to see if you qualify for finance!


General Enquiries
Have a question? Or just wanting a chat? Call Bhumika on 0430 019 802 now or send an email.
